
Bible Unit 1 part b

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  • Whom did the Lord rename "Sarah"? a) Naara b)Sarai
  • Why did the people stop building the tower?a) Because they didn't understand one another's speechb) They were tire
    Because they didn't understand one another's speech.
  • How did Sarah learn that she would have a child? a) The men who visited Abraham told her b) Her mom told her
    The men who visited Abraham told her
  • How many men came to visit Abraham in the plains of Mamre? a) 20 peopleb) 3 people
    3 people
  • What materials did they use for the tower?a) Brick and clay.b) Wood and glue
    Brick and clay.
  • What was Sarah's reaction to the news that she would bear a son? a) she laughed b) she cry
    she laughed
  • Where did the ark come to rest after the flood?a) Mount Merendonb) Mount Ararat 
    Mount Ararat 
  • What happened to the people after that?a) They were scatteredb) They play
    They were scattered.
  • Who came to see the city and the tower?a) The Lordb) Joseph
    The Lord
  • The tower was to be designed to reach to...a) heaven b) tree
  • God made a covenant with Noah and his sons to never again send a flood to destroy the earth. What was the sign of this covenant? a) A Rainbow b) A Cloud
    A Rainbow
  • Why did Sarah have this reaction?a) She thought she was too old to have childrenb) She is a rich woman
    She thought she was too old to have children
  • In what land did the people journey to from the east?a) The land of Hondurasb) The land of Nod
    The land of Nod
  • How old was Noah when he died?a) 950 yearsb) 95 years
    950 years
  • What was God's reaction to the tower?a) It was bigb) He confound their language
    He confound their language.
  • How long did Noah stay before the Lord told him it was time to get out? a) Over 1 year b) one month
    Over 1 year 
  • Whose name was changed to "Abraham"? a) Abram b) Adam
  • When the Lord told Abraham that his wife would have a child, what was his reaction?a) He Criedb)He laughed
    He laughed
  • Which animal did Noah send out to see if the land was dry? a) A dove b) A Crow
    A dove 
  • What would be the name of Sarah's son? a) David b) Isaac
  • What does the name Babel mean? a) Beauty b) Confusion
  • What made it easier for the people to work together to build the Tower of Babel?a) The whole earth was of one languageb) The same cloth
    The whole earth was of one language.