
Garlic 101

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  • How many years ago do scientist say people started using garlic?
  • In what world war did garlic get its nickname?
    World war II
  • After how many days will the garlic have small roots?
  • What is important to maintain everyday for the garlic to grow?
    The water level
  • What family is garlic part of?
    The lily family
  • What part of the garlic bulb do we remove before planting?
    The outer cover / skin
  • What grows from the garlic bulb?
    A stalk with a flower
  • Name one health property that garlic has.
    anticoagulant, antioxidant, antiviral or antimicrobial
  • Can all types of garlic be used in food?
  • How many types of garlic is there?
    Over 450
  • Name one vitamin found in garlic?
    Vitamin C and B
  • What part of the plant is garlic?
    The root
  • Name three places to grow garlic?
    basement, kitchen or any window
  • What will be visible after 11 days?
  • What is garlic?
    Garlic is a flower
  • Name one disease that garlics helps to fight.
    cholesterol, blood pressure, cancer
  • How does garlic get pollinated?
    By bees and other insects that travel from flower to flower.
  • Name one mineral found in garlic.
    copper, iron, magnesium, germanium, zinc, and selenium
  • To what medicine is garlic similar to?
  • Which way is the best to grow garlic
    With a water bottle
  • What does he change after 7 days?
    The water
  • What colour can garlic be?
    White, purple
  • What happened to the garlic planted in the yard?
    The garlic plant did not do very well.
  • What is one of garlic's nicknames
    Russian penicillin
  • Which two nations used garlic thousands of years ago?
    Egypt & Babylonia