
Bible Unit 1

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  • How many days did it take for God to complete creating the world? a) 6 days b) 14 days
    6 days
  • On which day were animals created?a) 6th dayb) 7th day
    6th day
  • In order to give light to the world, on the fourth day God created how many great lights? a) 2 ( light bulb and lamp) b) 3 (Sun, moon, and stars)
    3 great lights (Sun, moon, and stars)
  • On the first day, God saw that the light was: a) clean b) good
  • God called the dry ground _______; and the gathering together of the waters he called ________.a) Land / seasb) sand / sandy
    Land / seas
  • How old was Noah when the flood began? a) 600 years b) 6 years
    600 years
  • What was the first man formed from?a) From the dustb) From the plant
    From the dust
  • How many people rode on the ark?a)Three peopleb) Eight people
    Eight people
  • How much of God's creation was man given rule over?a) only fish and birdsb) All the earth
    All the earth
  • Man was created on what day?a) 6th dayb) 7th day
    6th day
  • How many pairs of each “clean” animal did Noah take on the ark?a) Ten pairsb) Seven pairs
    Seven pairs
  • Before the creation of the world as we know it, the earth: ( a) was empty b) dirty )
    was empty
  • How long did the rain last?a) 4 daysb) 40 days
    40 days
  • Why did the Lord decided to destroy mankind in a flood?a) The had become wickedb) they want them to swim
    The had become wicked
  • Birds were created on the same day as:a) tigersb) Sea creatures
    Sea creatures