
Fill in the blanks

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  • What activity / sport is it?
    hang out with friends
  • We sent her a present to m... u... for the disappointment of missing the music festival.
    make up
  • I like football, but I don't g... i... for extreme sports.
    go in
  • What activity / sport is it?
    ballroom dancing
  • We l.... u... his name on the Internet to check his story was true.
    looked up
  • What activity / sport is it?
    (do) martial arts
  • What activity / sport is it?
    bake cakes
  • What activity / sport is it?
    use social media
  • The mother dies and the father w... o... o... the baby.
    walks out on
  • The Curious Case of Benjamin certainly l... u... t... its title.
    lives up to
  • What activity / sport is it?
    (go) BMXing
  • What activity / sport is it?
    play cards
  • What activity / sport is it?
    collect figures
  • What activity / sport is it?
    horse riding
  • I was b... up by my mom after she m... back to the UK.
    brought, moved
  • They eventually b... a small farmhouse with some land.
  • Benjamin s... u... f... a job on a boat.
    signs up for
  • They f... in love, g... engaged after a week and were married last month.
    fell, got
  • I g... up in a small village.
  • What activity / sport is it?
    (play) ice hockey
  • My grandparents e.... from Pakistan in the 1960s.
  • What activity / sport is it?
    (play) chess
  • You said you would take us on holiday this summer - you can't g... b.... on your promise.
    go back
  • What activity / sport is it?
    (do) ballet
  • She didn't l... home until last summer, when she g... married.
    leave, got