
restaurant complaints

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  • the bill shows a bottle of wine that you didn't order
    Excuse me, I think there's a mistake in our bill. There is a bottle of wine that we didn't order.
  • the soup is ice cold
    Excuse me, could I have this soup warmer? It's cold.
  • hair in the plate
    Sorry, there is hair in my plate
  • you ordered chicken and they served you fish
    Excuse me, this is not what I ordered. I asked for chicken and you gave me fish!
  • you're waiting for more than an 1 hour
    Excuse me, we ordered our food ..... minutes ago and we are still waiting to be served!
  • corked wine
    Excuse me, could I have another bottle of wine? it's corked
  • you want to change tables
    I don't like this table, can I be seated over there instead?
  • dirty fork
    This fork is dirty. Could I have a clean one?
  • the bill presents different prices than the ones in the menu
    Excuse me, are these prices ok? because they are different from the ones in the menu / because the prices differ from the ones in the menu
  • too loud music
    Excuse me, could it be possible to lower the music volume. It sounds too loud in this table
  • you order chips and they never came
    Sorry, I order some chips and they never came