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  • We want to know what you want for your birthday, can you tell ______?
  • Use the correct object pronoun: Ju and Mari are classmates since 2019. Mari really likes ......
  • Extra challenge - complete the text with the object pronouns and what you want : I love my mom. What I like about .... is that: .......... and she .......... .
  • Answer the question - which one is yours? // Mine is .....
    Mine is the black / red / blue etc one.
  • Complete with a, an or the: can you pass me my sunglasses, please? They're on __ table.
  • Complete the sentence: They visited their grandma in ......... hospital.
  • Complete the sentence: Is ..... Nile or ....... Amazon....... longest river on Earth ?
    The / the / the
  • Choose the correct option: We go to my parents' house every weekend but they never visit them / us
  • Complete with "a, an or the": I saw .... giraffe at .... zoo
  • Complete the sentence with "a, an or the" and answer it: What’s __capital of your country? // ___ Capital of my country is ........
    The / the capital of my country is BSB
  • Complete with the correct object pronoun: Dave is behind the door. You can’t see ...
  • Jupiter is ___ biggest planet in the universe.
  • Complete with "a, an or "the": I had ... egg for breakfast
  • Extra challenge - answer the question: Who's your friend in that group of boys?
    My friend is the boy ......
  • Did you know Adam's parents gave ______ a play station 5 for his birthday?!
  • What is the object pronoun referring to in the sentence : I have a friend who has a swimming pool in HER house. I really like IT.
    Her: The friend // It: the swimming pool.
  • What is the object pronoun referring to in the sentence : My sister's boyfriend is cool. I like him.
    Him: my sister's boyfriend.
  • Medium challenge - complete with a, an or the: There's __ zoo and __ wildlife park near my home, but __ wildlife park isn't open in the winter.
    A / a / the
  • Complete with "a, an or the": ..... doctor earns more than .... teacher.
    A / a
  • What is his name? I don't remember ______.
  • Extra challenge - complete correctly: My sister is at __ home. She's playing __ guitar.
    No article / the
  • Medium challenge - complete with a, an or the: I've got __ computer and __ laptop, but I have to share __ laptop with my brother.
    A, a, the