
First conditional & future time clauses - B1.2

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  • You won’t pass that exam unless…
    (how good was it?)
  • As soon as I get home this evening…
    (how good was it?)
  • You’ll never get better at football unless…
    (how good was it?)
  • Send me a text when…
    (how good was it?)
  • When I finish this course…
    (how good was it?)
  • I’ll be at work until…
    (how good was it?)
  • After we choose where to go on holiday…
    (how good was it?)
  • I won’t buy a new laptop unless…
    (how good was it?)
  • If you don’t stop looking at your phone…
    (how good was it?)
  • If Sally doesn’t come soon…
    (how good was it?)
  • Give him my phone number if…
    (how good was it?)
  • They’ll lend us the money as soon as…
    (how good was it?)
  • Unless they get here quickly…
    (how good was it?)
  • Tell her to send me an email when…
    (how good was it?)
  • Unless you work really hard…
    (how good was it?)
  • I’ll ring her as soon as…
    (how good was it?)
  • If we don’t hurry…
    (how good was it?)
  • He won’t get that job if…
    (how good was it?)
  • If I see Mark…
    (how good was it?)
  • We’ll look at other hotels before…
    (how good was it?)
  • If you don’t pick me up after class…
    (how good was it?)
  • After he gets here…
    (how good was it?)
  • As soon as you finish your coffee…
    (how good was it?)
  • I won’t move house until…
    (how good was it?)
  • After we have dinner…
    (how good was it?)
  • I’ll probably go shopping after…
    (how good was it?)