
Vocabulary Mental and Physical Health Problems

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  • What's the problem?
    He has a backache.
  • I need to go the dentist's. I have a terrible...
  • ... some time for yourself
  • A: What's wrong? B: I have...
    a sore throat
  • What does Lia do to take care of her health?
    She exercises regularly.
  • The name of this symptom is...
  • What do Jonas and Kate do to take care of their health?
    They do yoga.
  • Lately I've been having many...
    mood changes
  • What's the problem?
    She has an earache.
  • My arm itches, do I have a...?
  • What does Russel do when he has a problem?
    He talks to his parents.
  • A: Are you okay? B: No, I have...
    a headache
  • What's the problem?
    She has mosquito bites.
  • If you avoid eating and feel anxious about gaining weight, you are suffering from...
    an eating disorder
  • ...for help
  • A: What's the matter? B: I have...
    a cold
  • What does Jake do to take care of his health?
    He meditates.
  • This symptom is...
    runny nose
  • I fell down the other day and hurt my leg badly. Now I have...
    a broken leg
  • What's the problem?
    He has a sunburn.
  • ... your problems with a good friend
  • If you feel sad all the time and lose the interest in activities, you are suffering from...
  • I don't feel well, I feel...
  • What's the problem?
    She has a cold / the flu.
  • I'm not feeling okay, I have...
    a fever
  • I have a fever and I'm feeling weak, I think I may have come down with ...
    the flu
  • ... lots of water