
Making requests and Asking permission (依頼す ...

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  • 依頼する: __________ ______ open the window, __________?
    Could you open the window, please?
  • 許可を求める: ______ ___ borrow your pencil __________?
    May I borrow your pencil please?
  • 許可を求めてください:use the computer
    May I use the computer, please?
  • 翻訳: ゴミを捨ててくださいませんか?
    Could you throw out the trash (please) ?
  • 許可を求める: __________ ____ sit down, __________?
    May I sit down, please?
  • 許可を求める: ________ ____ have an apple, _________?
    May I have an apple, please?
  • 翻訳: ビデオゲームをしてもいいですか?
    May I play video games (please) ?
  • 翻訳:ステッカーをもらってもいいですか?
    May I have a sticker (please) ?
  • 許可を求める:_______ ___ go home, __________?
    May I go home, please?
  • 依頼を作ってください: take our picture
    Could you take our picture please?
  • 許可を求める: _________ ____ ask you a favor?
    May I ask you a favor?
  • 許可を求める: _______ ___ borrow your eraser, _________?
    May I borrow your eraser, please?
  • 依頼する: __________ ______ call a taxi, ___________?
    Could you call a taxi, please?
  • 依頼を作ってください:show me a menu
    Could you show me a menu?
  • 依頼を作ってください: carry my bags
    Could you carry my bags, please?
  • 依頼を作ってください: write your name
    Could you write your name, please?
  • 許可を求めてください: drink some water
    May I drink some water, please?
  • 依頼を作ってください: give me some money
    Could you give me some money, please?
  • 依頼する: _________ _____ turn off the lights, _________?
    Could you turn off the lights, please?
  • 依頼する: __________ _____ turn on the air conditioner, _________?
    Could you turn on the air conditioner, please?
  • 許可を求める: ________ ____ use the bathroom, ___________?
    May I use the bathroom, please?
  • 翻訳:静かにしてくださいませんか。
    Could you be quiet, please?
  • 依頼する: ________ _____ close the door __________?
    Could you close the door please?
  • 許可を求める: ______ ____ take my shoes off, _________?
    May I take my shoes off, please?