
Let's binge watch - ESL Brains - Vocabulary

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  • Even the minor characters in these TV shows come with their own STORY ARCS when you have several seasons.
    a story very important for the whole plot
    a complete story in a film/book
  • I sometimes GET SUCKED INTO watching a show for three hours without even noticing.
    become very involved in something
    be tricked to do something
  • It is very difficult to DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN the concepts of irony, satire, and parody.
    select from a group
  • The Netflix feature which immediately loads the next episode is there to NUDGE you to watch more and more.
    encourage gently
    force to do something
  • Netflix realized that a lot of people GRAVITATE TOWARDS watching a lot of episodes in one go and started releasing the whole series at once.
    have a natural tendency to
    be addicted to
  • She shops IN BULK to minimise packaging and takes the bus whenever possible
    buy in large shops
    buy in large amounts