
Present Simple Passive

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  • He is being followed by a detective.
  • Films are released every month.
  • Why are bags checked at the airport?
  • Kids given prizes every time they win a competition.
    Wrong. Kids are given prizes every time they win a competition.
  • What a pity! The play is cancel due to technical problems.
    Wrong. What a pity! The play is cancelled due to technical problems.
  • Her shoes are polish every day by the maid.
    Wrong. Her shoes are polished every day by the maid.
  • Vodka is drank by many Russians.
    wrong. Vodka is drunk by many Russians.
  • My cousins educated in the United States.
    Wrong. My cousins are educated in the United States.
  • Nobody is expect at the party.
    Wrong. Nobody is expected at the party.
  • Is your hair brushed every morning?
  • When are books correct by the teacher?
    Wrong. When are books corrected by the teacher?
  • Broken legs are bandaged by doctors