
Catch up with people´s news

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  • your cousin is involved in a new business venture
    I heard you've been involved in a new business venture. How did that opportunity come about?
  • your colleague attended a tech conference
    I heard you went to a tech conference recently. Which topics or presentations caught your attention the most? Did you make any valuable connections?
  • your friend decided to run a marathon
    I heard you decided to run a marathon. That's impressive! How did you come to the decision to take on this challenge? Are you following a specific training prog
  • your friend is involved in some volunteer work
    I saw on social media that you've been doing volunteer work. What organization are you involved with? How did you get started?
  • your friend is posting pictures of delicious home-cooked meals
    I've been seeing your mouthwatering home-cooked meals on social media. Have you always been interested in cooking, or is it a recent hobby? Any favorite recipes
  • Your colleague recently started a side business
    I heard you started a side business. What inspired you to pursue this venture? How has it been balancing your work at the company and your business?
  • your parents went on a camp trip
    That's exciting! Where did they go? How long are they planning to stay? Did they share any interesting stories or experiences from their trip?
  • Your acquaintance knows the latest trends in their industry
    I heard you've been keeping up with the latest trends in your industry. What do you think is the most significant trend right now? How do you see it impacting t
  • you saw your friend playing the guitar for the first time
    I noticed you've been learning a musical instrument. How long have you been playing? What motivated you to start learning?
  • your friend adopted a rescue dog
    I saw on social media that you adopted a rescue dog. How has the experience been so far? Any tips for someone considering adopting a dog?
  • your friend recently moved to a foreign country
    I saw your travel photos from. What were some of the highlights of your trip? Did you have any interesting cultural experiences or memorable encounter with loca