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  • Read this fraction 5/2
    Five halves
  • How do you call the top number in a fraction?
  • Read this fraction 3  4/6
    Three and four sixths
  • Tell me an example of an improper fraction
    Sts answer
  • What type of fraction is this? 1/5
    It's proper because the numerator is smaller than the denominator
  • What letter do you add to the denominator when the numerator is more than one?
    Add an S
  • Read this fraction and say what type of fraction it is and why 12/5
    Twelve fifths. Its improper because the numerator is bigger than the denoiminator
  • How do you read the numerator in a fraction?
    The numerator is read using cardinal numbers
  • In the board, represent 8/3 in a pie chart
    Sts answer
  • Read this fraction  4  1/7
    Four and one seventh
  • What is a fraction?
    it's a number that expresses a part of a whole. it´s a small or tiny part, amount, or proportion of something
  • Write this fraction:  twelve tenths
  • Write this fraction:  twelve and six sevenths
    12 6/7
  • What type of fraction is this? 3/8
    It's proper because the numerator is smaller than the denominator
  • What is a proper fraction?
    It's a fraction whose numerator is smaller than the denominator.
  • In the board, draw a number line and represent 1/4
    Sts answer
  • Can you use a number line to represent a fraction?
    Yes, you can
  • In the board, represent 5/2 in a pie chart
    Sts answer
  • Write this fraction:  eleven and six quarters
  • In the board, represent 3/8 in a pie chart
    Sts answer
  • What type of fraction is this? 1/4
    It's proper because the numerator is smaller than the denominator
  • How do you read the denominator in a fraction?
    The denominator is read using ordinal numbers
  • Read this fraction  1/2
    A half or one half
  • In the board, draw a number line and represent 2 1/2
    Sts answer
  • In the board, represent 6/8 in a pie chart
    Sts answer
  • what type of fraction is this 6 2/8 and why?
    It's mixed because it is made of a whole number and a fraction
  • Read this fraction and say what type of fraction it is and why 6/8
    Six eighths. Its proper because the numerator is smaller than the denoiminator
  • Write this fraction:  seven fifths
  • How do you read a mixed fraction?
    You read the whole number first using carninal numbers and then read the fraction. 
  • How can you read a fraction when the denominator is four?
    You can use fourth or quarter
  • In the board, draw a number line and represent 3 1/4
    Sts answer
  • What type of fraction is this? 8/3 and why?
    It's improper because the numerator is bigger than the denominator.
  • Tell me an example of a mixed fraction
    Sts answer
  • What is an improper fraction?
    It's a fraction whose numerator is bigger than the denominator.
  • Read this fraction 3/4
    Three fourths of three quarters
  • What are the types of fractions?
    Proper, improper and mixed
  • What type of fraction is this? 6/5 and why?
    It's improper because the numerator is bigger than the denominator.
  • What is a mixed fraction?
    It's a fraction that is made of a whole number and a fraction.
  • What does the numerator tell us?
    It tells us how many parts do we have of the fraction
  • Write this fraction:  one half
  • In the board, draw a number line and represent 1/2
    Sts answer
  • How do you call the bottom number in a fraction?
  • What type of fraction is this? 7/4 and why?
    It's improper because the numerator is bigger than the denominator.
  • What does the denominator tell us?
    It tells us how many parts of the whole is made up to.
  • Tell me an example of a proper fraction
    Sts answer
  • what type of fraction is this 5 1/4 and why?
    It's mixed because it is made of a whole number and a fraction
  • what type of fraction is this 2 3/4 and why?
    It's mixed because it is made of a whole number and a fraction
  • In the board, represent 6/8 in a pie chart
    Sts answer
  • How do you read a fraction when the denominator is two?
    You use half or halves