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  • Have you ever had a lucid dream? Tell about this dream.
  • How many hours a night do you usually sleep? Would you like to get more sleep or less?
  • Do you tell people about your dreams? Do you believe that if you tell about your dream it might become true?
  • Have you ever had a dream more than once?
  • Can you doze off in the bus?
  • Do you take a nap in the daytime?
  • Do you think dreams mean anything?
  • Do you keep a diary of your dreams? Why (not)?
  • Can you sleep on airplanes, trains, and buses?
  • Do you believe in prophetic dreams? Have you ever had a dream that later came true?
  • Do you usually remember your dreams? Tell about a recent dream you remember.
  • What dreams do you think a blind person has? Are they colored?
  • Have you ever had a dream that felt very real?
  • How often do you have nightmares?
  • Have you ever known anyone who walked in their sleep? If so, tell about it.
  • What do you usually daydream about?
  • Tell about your the most vivid dream.
  • Have you ever had insomnia? What can you do with insomnia? What do you think causes it?
  • Describe a nightmare that you remember from childhood.
  • When was the last time you overslept?