
Multiple Meaning Words

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  • What is the difference between a TIE in your closet and a TIE in a race?
    a) item of clothing you wear around your neck b) a contest that ends with an equal score
  • What is the difference between a BILL on a bird and a BILL in the mail?
    a) nose of a duck b) an amount of money owed
  • What is the difference between a PUPIL in school and a PUPIL in your body?
    a) a student b) part of your eye
  • What is the difference between a CAST in a play and a CAST on your leg?
    a) something that holds a broken bone in place b) a group of actors who makeup a play
  • What is the difference between to write a CHECK and CHECK your grades?
    a) a piece of paper that reflects a specific amount of money b) to look or examine something
  • What is the difference between a BUCK in the woods and a BUCK in your pocket?
    a) male deer b) a dollar
  • What is the difference between a POUND of apples and to POUND the nail?
    a) a unit of weight b) to hit
  • What is the difference between a CALF on your body and a CALF on a farm?
    a) part of your leg b) baby cow
  • What is the difference between a piece of GUM and food stuck in tour GUMS?
    a) piece of chewing candy b) part of your mouth
  • What is the difference between a BLOCK in a city and a BLOCK in a football game?
    a) a rectangular area in the city surrounded by streets b) to stop
  • What is the difference between PLAY a game and going to see a PLAY?
    a) to engage an activity for fun b) a theatrical performance
  • What is the difference between SET the alarm and a SET of dishes?
    a) to make an alarm go off at a certain time b) matching plates, bowls, etc.
  • What is the difference between a DROP of rain and to DROP the box?
    a) drizzling b) to fall
  • What is the difference between an ORGAN in church and an ORGAN in your body?
    a) instrument b) part of the body that has a specific function (heart, liver, stomach, etc.)