
What is the difference

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  • What's the difference between a lecturer and a tutor?
    A lecturer gives lectures. A tutor has one-to-one tutorials with you. A lecturer may also be a tutor.
  • What's the difference between research and a discovery?
    Research is investigation into a subject. A discovery reveals something new (it can be the result of research).
  • What's the difference between a seminar and a meeting?
    Seminar is a meeting about learning something
  • What's the difference between a lecture and a talk?
    A talk is more informal, and usually on a subject of general rather than academic interest.
  • What's the difference between a lecturer and a professor?
    A professor is more senior. She/he is often the head of the department.
  • In a university, what's the difference between a supervisor and an administrator?
    A lecturer who directs your research is your supervisor. An administrator works in an office.
  • What's the difference between a university and a campus?
    A campus is a group of university buildings all on the same site. Not all universities have a campus.
  • What's the difference between handing in something and handing out something?
    When you finish an essay, you hand it in to your tutor. To hand out means to distribute.
  • What's the difference between an article and a thesis?
    A thesis is a very long piece of academic writing. An article is a short piece for a newspaper or magazine.
  • What's the difference between a conclusion and a summary?
    A conclusion is the final section of, for example, an essay. A summary is a brief description of a longer
  • What's the difference between a course and a scholarship?
    A course is a program of lessons or lectures. A scholarship is funding for a course from an organisation.
  • What's the difference between an essay and a dissertation?
    An dissertation is much longer than an essay.
  • What's the difference between a first draft and a final draft? What's the difference between a first draft and a final draft?
    A first draft is the first version of a piece of writing. The final draft is finished.
  • What's the difference between taking notes and making a note?
    What's the difference between taking notes and making a note? You take notes in a lecture. Making a note is writing one note about something you don't want to f