
Modals: Speculating about the Past

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  • I can't find my car keys. I __________ (leave) them in my other bag, or perhaps I just forgot to take them from Jim.
    might have left
  • Jack: Where's Mum? John: I don't know, but her car's not here, so she __________ (go) out. I don't really know where she went though. She __________ (go) shopping.
    must have gone - might have gone
  • The female excavator was rather pale when she got out of the cave. She __________ (got) scared by something she saw in there.
    must have got(ten)
  • They took her to the hospital immediately. The spider __________ (be) poisonous.
    must have been
  • Jane's ankle was swollen. She __________ (sprain) it. There's also a slim chance that she __________ (break) it.
    may have sprained - might have broken
  • He refuses to go in the water. He __________ (see) a jellyfish.
    might have seen
  • They cancelled their hiking plans. They__________ (read) about that bear who escaped from the central zoo.
    could have read / might have read / must have read
  • I thought I heard something crawling under the sofa last night. I couldn't be sure at that time, but it __________ (be) an insect of some kind.
    could have been / might have been
  • They got out of the car in a rush. Something __________ (go) wrong. They wouldn't have done so otherwise.
    must have gone
  • Donna's baby sister cried all night. I don't really know what was wrong, but an insect __________ (bit) her.
    might have bitten
  • Jonas thinks that bees are not beneficial to people. He __________ (read) the wrong information because bees are known to be very beneficial to the entire world.
    must have read
  • There was a horrid smell coming from the thrash bin. They __________ (forget) to collect it.
    must have forgotten
  • I don't know why she decided to have a change of career, but I have a strong feeling that she __________ (decide) she'd make more money as a vet.
    may have decided