
Body Parts & Simple Actions

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  • What are they? How many arms do you have?
    They are arms. I have two arms.
  • What is it? How many do you have?
    It's a nose. I have one nose.
  • What is it? How many do you have?
    It's a mouth. I have one mouth.
  • What are they? How many do you have?
    They are shoulders. I have two shoulders.
  • What are they? How many ears do you have?
    They are ears. I have two ears.
  • What can you do?
    I can jump.
  • What can you do?
    I can swim.
  • What can you do?
    I can run.
  • What are they? How many eyes do you have?
    They are eyes. I have two eyes.
  • What can you do?
    I can walk.
  • What are they? How many hands do you have?
    They are hands. I have two hands.
  • What can you do?
    I can dance.
  • What is it? How many do you have?
    It's a head. I have one head.
  • What can you do?
    I can clap.
  • What are they? How many feet do you have?
    They are feet. I have two feet.
  • What are they? How many legs do you have?
    They are legs. I have two legs.