
Advanced grammar

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  • I'd rather our flat _______ so far from where I work, then I _______ so much time travelling every day.
    weren't / wouldn't waste
    wasn't / am not wasting
    hadn't been / don't waste
    isn't / won't waste
  • It _____ our dog which barked continuously all night since it was sleeping inside with us.
    may not have been
    can't have been
    might not be
    shouldn't have been
  • My mother is making a steady recovery from flu and ------- hospital by next week.
    will have left
    must have left
    could have left
    is leaving
  • I don’t suppose you are telling us the true version of the story, ----------?
    are you?
    will you?
    aren't you?
    do I?
  • If I -------- the choice of making either an oral or a written report, I -------- the second alternative.
    were given / would pick
    have been giving / will pick
    gave / could pick
    would have given / had picked
  • It seems likely that by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge ................. by the Ministry.
    have been announced
    are being announced
    will have been announced
    would have been announced
  • I didn’t hear you were seriously ill ______ I would have visited you so far.
  • Tomorrow, instead of going to Madrid with my boss, I am going to London, ____? So, is everything arranged properly there?
    am not I?
    won't I?
    aren't I?
    am I?
  • On international airlines, there are always ____ a pilot and a co-pilot and each knows the other's job, so, in the event that ____ falls ill during the flight, the other is qualified to land the plane safely.
    all / neither
    neither / any
    either / both
    both / either
  • It's high time we all .............. home now.
    have gone
    will go
  • We ................. no problems whatsoever with the dam since it ................. forty years ago.
    had had / had been constructed
    have had / was constructed
    had / has been constructed
    are having / is constructed
  • The police found ____ counterfeit money as well as guns at the gang's headquarters.
    several more
    a large amount of
    only a few
    a number of
  • I wish he _______ me know about his visit a few days earlier, so I _______ some arrangements at work.
    has let / may be making
    would let / might be made
    lets / will be making
    had let / could have made
  • ____students actively participated in the discussion, which annoyed the teacher because it showed that ____ of them hadn't prepared sufficiently.
    Too few / none
    Several / enough
    Few / most
    All / hardly any
  • I now wish I .............. all of that money and saved some for the future.
    didn't spend
    have spent
    hadn't spent
  • I’m sorry I’m late. You _____ waiting for a long time.
    could have been
    must have been
    might have been
    should have been
  • I'm sure she would have come and seen me if she .............. the time.
    had had
    has had
    were having
  • It’s true that happiness ---- with money, but some money ---- life easier.
    doesn't buy / is making
    mustn't be bought / made
    shouldn't bought / has made
    can’t be bought / makes
  • _____ had I got out of the bank ______ I saw the thieves running through the tunnel.
    Not until / but
    Either / or
    Hardly / when
    No sooner / when
  • I suppose they won't come in time for the lunch, ____?
    won't they?
    will they?
    don't they?
    do they?
  • Oh, how I wish I .............. with you last night!
    had been
    have been
  • It probably ............... if you'd been more careful.
    didn't happen
    would never have happened
    hadn't ever happened
    won't ever happen again
  • Neither of the workers was happy with the new legislation, ____?
    weren't they?
    were they?
    did they?
    wasn't they?
  • Certain serious diseases can be successfully treated -------- detected in an initial stage.
    even when