
9A1 - Luyện thi vào 10

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  • Phát âm "s/es" A. stages B. finishes C. resources D. styles
    D. styles
  • CLOSEST MEANING "GOT OVER". Luckily Susan got over her operation very quickly. A. recovered from B. looked at C. paid for D. got up
    A. recovered from
  • They all turned up at the meeting, with the exception of the monitor, who was ill. A. left B. talked C. spoke D. came
    D. came
  • "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." A. No, I don't mind it B. Oh, that's all right C. Yes, you are so unkind D. Oh! You don't have to say sorry
    B. Oh, that's all right
  • Trọng âm. A. exhibition B. habitable C. application D. academic
    B. habitable
  • Doctors and scientists _________ recently the benefit of fish in the diet. A. have shown B. will show C. are showing D. have been showing
    A. have shown
  • _________ lending me your calculator for a moment? A. Can you B. Would you mind C. Could you please D. Why don't you
    B. Would you mind
  • Children should be _________ to realize their full potential. A. encouraging B. discouraging C. encouraged D. discouraged
    C. encouraged
  • The discover of gold in California in 1848 led to the Gold Rush of 1849. A. discover B. in C. led to D. of
    A. discover
  • CLOSEST MEANING "ANXIOUS'': Students are understandably anxious about getting work after graduation. A. careful B. fearful C. excited D. worried
    D. worried
  • You must explain your problems _________. A. so clear as you can B. most clearly as you should C. more clearly than you are D. as clearly as you can
    D. as clearly as you can
  • Will you _________ me to water the flowers before we go out tomorrow? A. remember B. suggest C. remind D. advise
    C. remind
  • They would like to live in a country _________ there is a lot of sunshine. A. which B. where C. that D. when
    B. where
  • There are many other _________ of art other than just painting and sculpture. A. means B. forms C. origins D. presents
    B. forms
  • Mumps are a very common disease which usually affects children. A. are B. very common C. which D. affects
    A. are
  • She was an _________ writer for years before she won the Nobel Prize for Literature. A. admiration B. admiring C. admired D. admire
    C. admired
  • By tracking the eye of a hurricane, forecasters can determine the speed _________. A. which is a storm moving B. at which a moving storm C. which is moving a storm D. at which a storm is moving
    D. at which a storm is moving
  • If farmers keep using pesticides as much as they do now, they would destroy their own living source soon. A. using B. as much as C. would destroy D. living source
    C. would destroy
  • Alex _________ out because the door is locked outside. A. can be B. must be C. can't be D. mustn't be
    B. must be
  • Too much exercise can be _________ but walking is good for your health. A. harmful B. harmless C. harmed D. harming
    A. harmful
  • We have decided to _________ money for a local secondary school in the flood- affected area in Quang Tri. A. beg B. gather C. raise D. rise
    C. raise