
Feelings and opinions

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  • I was impressed of/by the facilities at the last hotel I stayed in. D: When was the last time you were impressed?
  • I always get excited of/about travelling to new places D: Where would you go if you could choose any place in the world?
  • I’m terrified for/of flying. D: How do you feel when you are flying?
  • I’m usually satisfied for/with the service I get on planes. D: Have you had any bad experience on planes?
  • I’m not aware to/of any dangers for travellers in my country D: Do you think that your country is dangerous for travellers?
  • I’m not sure about/for the need for so many security checks at the airports. D: How do you feel when you are in an airport?
  • I’m sick of/at the weather we’ve been having recently. D: How's the weather been this week?
  • I’m very fond of/with spicy food. D: What's your favourite spicy food?
  • I’m shocked by/with how little some people know about my country D: What do people say when they know where you're from? Do they know about your country?
  • My country is famous for/about its historical buildings. D: What is your country famous for?
  • I was quite disappointed in/of the last place I went to on holiday D: What was the last place you went to on holiday?