
TWINSIES! Can you rephrase this?

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  • "This is too hard". Key word: EASY
    "This isn't EASY ENOUGH"
  • "I strongly recommend going to Paris" Key word: GO
    You SHOULD GO to Paris / You OUGHT TO GO to Paris
  • "I was in BonArea and I ran into your dad". Key word: ACROSS
    "I was in BonArea and I came ACROSS your dad"
  • "BB succeeded in passing the driving test." Key word: TO
    BB MANAGED TO  pass her driving test.
  • "Maria apologised for so torturing her students with grammar." Key word: SORRY
    Maria said she was SORRY for torturing her students with grammar"
  • "I'm terrible at maths and I can't solve any problems". Key word: COME
    I'm terrible at maths and I can't COME UP WITH any solutions".
  • "Chris had to cancel the concert due to health problems". Key word: OFF
    Chris had to call off the concert due to healt problems.
  • "The accident was Marta's fault".  Key word: BLAME
    "I BLAME Marta FOR the accident"
  • BB said "I'll do it! I'll slay the dragon" Key word: TO
    BB promised TO slay the dragon.
  • Aina said "It wasn't me! I didn't eat the whole cake". Key word: EATING
    Aina denied EATING the whole cake.
  • "My crush took no notice of me." Key word: ATTENTION
    My crush didn't pay any ATTENTION to me // paid no ATTENTION to me.
  • "You can borrow my car" Key word: LEND.
    "I can LEND you my car".
  • Blanca said "Ok, it was me. I ran over the elderly man with my taka". Key word: HAVING
    Blanca admitted/confessed HAVING run over the elderly man with her taka.
  • "Marta has a good relationship with her brother." Key word: GETS
    Marta GETS ON (WELL) with her brother/ Marta GETS ALONG with her brother.
  • "I suggest ordering sushi on JUSTEAT" Key word: ABOUT
    HOW/WHAT ABOUT ordering sushi?
  • "I share your opinion about ChatGPT 100%" Key word: EYE
    I SEE EYE TO EYE on ChatGPT.
  • "I find it difficult to learn Japanese". Key word: DIFFICULTY
    "I have DIFFICULTY IN learning Japanese"
  • "You did it perfectly!" Key word: NAIL
  • "Blanca refuses to throw away her skinny jeans because they're timeless." Key word: RID
    Blanca refuses to GET RID OF her skinny jeans because they're timeless.
  • "I just don't get why kids admire Ibai so much".  Key word: UP
    I just don't get why kids LOOK UP TO Ibai so much"
  • "Clàudia is so excited for her upcoming Coldplay's concert" Key word: FORWARD
    Clàudia is looking FORWARD to her upcoming Coldplay's concert.
  • "Some people have to quit their favourite sports owing to painful injuries." Key word: UP
    "Some people have to GIVE UP their favourite sports..."
  • "I wish my dog would stop making so much noise!" Key word: ONLY
    If only my dog would stop making so much noise!"
  • "We'll have to postpone our dinner until next month because I'm broke". Key word: PUT
    We'll have to PUT off our dinner...
  •  "I can't decide between these two options" Key word: ON