
Funny would you rather questions

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  • Would you rather marry someone you hate or have your parents choose your partner?
  • Would you rather have 3 eyes or 3 ears?
  • Would you rather chew your toenails off or chew someone else's fingernails off?
  • Would you rather be half your height or double your weight?
  • Would you rather shave your head or go to school without eyebrows for one month??
  • Would you rather be allergic to every animal or be allergic to your favourite food?
  • Would you rather be blind or deaf?
  • Would you rather listen to one song for the rest of your life or never be able to hear the same song twice?
  • Would you rather kiss the person you hate the most or never be able to hug the people that you love?
  • Would you rather have hands for feet or have feet for hands?
  • Would you rather be homeless or in prison?
  • Would you rather lose a finger or lose 2 toes?
  • Would you rather never sing or never dance again?
  • Would you rather only be able to eat food that begins with B or food that begins with N?
  • Would you rather marry someone you just met or never get married at all?
  • Would you rather not shower for a week or shower 5 times a day for a week?