
STR8 TO E8 Part 2

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  • My brother (not / sell) .................................................. his old mobile phone yet.
    hasn't sold
  • (Tak dużo ludzi) .................................................... forget what is important in life.
    So many people
  • What (she / like) ............................................................ doing at weekends?
    does she like
  • It is (bardzo ważne informacje) .......................................................
    very important information
  • My grandmother is old and we need to ............................................ (care) her all the time.
    take care of
  • My father ........................................................(plant) flowers in the garden yet.
    hasn't planted
  • (Powinieneś przestać) .................................................. drinking so much Coke.
    You should stop
  • (Ktoś do Ciebie zadzwonił) .................................................. two hours ago.
    Somebody/someone called you
  • The shop near our school is .................................................(expensive) this shop.
    more expensive than
  • We (lubimy się) ...................................................., but he is not my best friend.
    like each other
  • I moved here (2 miesiące temu) ......................................
    2 months ago
  • My grandfather (zawsze wstaje) ................................... very early in the morning.
    always gets up
  • This is the house which (she / parents / buy) ............................ a few days ago.
    her parents bought
  • Shelly (skończyła projekt) ....................................................... yesterday.
  • I (chciałabym) ........................................................ learn how to swim.
    would like to
  • Be careful! These (knife / be) .......................................... really sharp.
    knives are
  • My sister (nie wzięła) ........................................................ a shower yet.
    hasn't taken/had
  • Two paintings (be / steal) ........................................................ last month.
    were stolen
  • This picture ................................................... (draw) my aunt many years ago.
    was drawn by
  • Can you give me a (filiżankę herbaty) ................................................?
    cup of tea
  • (Czy umiałeś pływać) .................................................. when you were five years old?
    Could you swim
  • Lucy (jest dobra w) .................................. solving even the most difficult puzzles.
    is good at
  • When I entered the room, (wszyscy oglądali) ............................................................ the match.
    everyone/everybody was watching
  • Luke (run / fast / than) ......................................................... last year.
    runs faster than