
EOY Review!

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  • What are the three places volcanoes form?
    Divergent Boundary, Convergent Boundary, Hot Spot
  • The color of a mineral's powder is known as...
  • What is the difference between a fault and the focus when it comes to earthquakes?
    Fault = crack, Focus = Starting point of earthquake
  • Name the four terrestrial planets.
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
  • Provide one difference between Earth's Inner Core and Outer Core.
    Inner Core is solid, hotter, more dense, etc.
  • What are the three types of plate boundaries?
    Convergent, Divergent, + Transform
  • The tool used to see objects far away.
  • Why are decomposers important?
    Return nutrients to soil... continue food web cycle
  • Describe ALL FOUR spheres of Earth.
    Geosphere (Earth), Atmosphere (Gases), Biosphere (life), Hydrosphere (water)
  • Provide three examples of things found in Earth's hydrosphere.
    Lake, Ocean, puddle, ice, rain, cloud, etc.
  • In an experiment, what should be the only thing that affects the Dependent Variable?
    Independent Variable
  • Describe TWO pieces of evidence that support the Theory of Continental Drift
    Fit of the Continents, Rocks (Age + Type), Fossils, + Climate
  • The "usual" scenario in an experiment is known as the...
    Control Group
  • Describe the three types of consumers.
    Herbivores (plants), Carnivores (meat), Omnivores (all)
  • What is the chalky "soil" of the moon called?
  • What is evaporation?
    Change of Liquid to Gas
  • Which causes day and night: rotation or revolution?
  • Tool used to measure earthquake magnitude
  • What is the difference between magma and lava?
    Magma = UNDER ground, Lava = ABOVE ground