
Passive voice

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  • The staff ... by the company to watch the same safety video each year. (to force)
    is forced / are forced
  • In 1879, the lightbulb ... to us by Edison. (to bring)
    was brought
  • A painting by Picasso was ... in 1997. (to steal)
  • All the events were ... by the man who went to space. (to forget)
  • The comet was ... by the science class. (to observe)
  • The treaty is ... by the 2 kings. (to sign)
  • Passive or active? The president was elected by the majority of the people.
  • Every night, the office ... by the cleaning crew. (to vacuum)
    is vacuumed
  • The cake ... by my sister last night. (to eat)
    was eaten
  • Switch it up! Joe threw a smartphone on the table.
    A smartphone was thrown on the table (by Joe).
  • Passive or active? The crew paved the entire length of the freeway.
  • Yesterday, the house ... to fit today's standards. (to renovate)
    was renovated
  • Passive or active? Sam always visits his mom on Monday.
  • Passive or active? The article is written by an important journalist.
  • The unthinkable was ... last week, I finished my homework! (to do)
  • Passive or active? The students' questions are always answered by their teacher.
  • Switch it up! Lucas painted the stairs last Friday.
    The stairs were painted last Friday (by Lucas)
  • Switch it up! The exams were made by the students.
    The students made the exams.