
tag questions

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  • She was having lunch with Mark, ... ?
    She was having lunch with Mark, wasn't she?
  • You're not French, ... ?
    You're not French, are you?
  • You met Kim, ... ?
    You met Kim, didn't you?
  • I'm in trouble, ... ?
    I'm in trouble, aren't I?
  • It's always nice to be here, ... ?
    It's always nice to be here, isn't it?
  • Tom lives here, ... ?
    Tom lives here, doesn't he?
  • They won't expect us, ... ?
    They won't expect us, will they?
  • She's going to be late, .... ?
    She's going to be late, isn't she?
  • We should get her a present, ... ?
    We should get her a present, shouldn't we?
  • You like cycling, ... ?
    You like cycling, don't you?
  • Let's get a taxi, ... ?
    Let's get a taxi, shall we?
  • You've never been to America, ... ?
    You've never been to America, have you?
  • I'm not fat, ... ?
    I'm not fat, am I?
  • This is the right answer, ... ?
    This is the right answer, isn't it?