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  • How did farmers work in the countryside?
    Farmers WORKED by hand and horses PULLED ploughs.
  • How did housewives wash clothes long ago?
    Housewives WASHED clothes by hand
  • How do people travel now?
    They TRAVEL by car.
  • How did people travel long ago?
    Long ago people travelled by horse and carriage.
  • How do housewives wash clothes now?
    Now housewives WASH clothes in a washing machine.
  • Do people listen to music on records?
    No, they don't. They LISTEN to an MP3 player. / No they don't. They LISTEN to music on their mobile phones.
  • What did families do in their free time?
    Families LISTENED to the radio.
  • How did housewives cook back then?
    Back then housewives COOKED on a coal stove.
  • How did people communicate long ago?
    They WROTE letters to their relatives or friends.
  • How do housewives keep the food fresh?
    Housewives PUT the food in the fridge.
  • In the past, how did students read at night?
    They HAD oil lamps to read at night.
  • How do students read at night nowadays?
    They HAVE electric lights to read at night.
  • How do housewives cook nowadays?
    They COOK in a microwave oven or on a cooker.
  • How do people communicate now?
    They HAVE mobile phones. They TEXT and MAKE video calls.
  • Did people have mobile phones in the past?
    No, they HAD phones with an operator.