
Communication Skills 3 - Exam Review

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  • What is the point of doing a research proposal?
    To check feasibility/enough data?/time limits/validity/filling a gap etc.
  • "How amazing is Laura?" - evaluate this question from a survey
    Leading/ biased questions lead the participant to an answer/influence their answer
  • The data has already been found, it exists already
    primary research
    secondary research
  • The data is quicker to collect
    secondary research
    primary research
  • "Do you like studying at ICAI? YES or NO"
    Absolute questions may not reflect the reality, not everything is black or white; provide a scale of options
  • Give me 3 DON'Ts for slide design for a presentation
    colour scheme/too much text/font size/overuse of data/animations/too many slides
  • Why is controlling your tone & volume of voice important when giving a presentation?
    should be able to carry to the very back of the room/correct intonation for understanding/avoid monotonous speech
  • Why is it important to not read from your notes during a presentation?
    you can't engage with audience/seems like you don't know info./you can get easily distracted
  • Correct the citation: ...the effects this will have on society remain to be seen. (Ward)
    ...the effects this will have on society remain to be seen. (Ward, n.d.)
  • "How satisfied are you with your job?" - evaluate this question from a survey
    answers may be not be meaningful as people's perception of satisfaction can vary
  • Fill the gap with a reporting verb: Banks (2021) ___________________how the UK government plans to launch a rocket into orbit next year. (give clear details about something)
    explains/clarifies/demonstartes/illustrates/goes into detail on etc.
  • Correct the citation: According to research, dogs are better than humans in every way (García, Howell, Mangan & Mitchell, 2023)
    According to research, dogs are better than humans in every way (García et al., 2023)
  • The data can be more controlled and relate more specifically to your research needs
    secondary research
    primary research
  • "Do you find studying engineering interesting and difficult?" - evaluate this question from a survey
    the question asks about two different things but only offers one answer. The questioner cannot be sure if the answer refers to one or both things and therefore
  • Do you need to cite something that is common knowledge? (Something that everyone knows to be a fact e.g. there are 7 days in a week)
  • Give me some examples of good body language when giving a presentation?
    movement/hand gestures/nodding/eye contact/gesturing towards powerpoint/looking around the room
  • Why should you avoid personal language in an academic paper? (In my opinon.../We think)
    refer to evidence not opinon/weakens credibility/subjective or emotional tone/maintains objectivity/lose persuasiveness
  • Why should you not incude survey questions with too many options?
    People get fed up answering them and choose the last one they read
  • What is hedging language? Give me two examples
    Language used so as not to commit completely to a statement e.g. it appears as though / that would suggest / it's likely to
  • What are the 3 first paragraphs of a research paper?
    Abstract, introduction & background
  • What is the topic sentence of a parapgrah?
    summarises the main idea of the paragraph (usually, but not always, the first sentence)
  • Fill the gap with a reporting verb: Jones (2018) ____________the importance of building restoration to a country’s economy. (refers to briefly)
    mentions/refers to/makes reference to/touches on etc.
  • Correct the citation: "The grass is always greener on the other side" (Fitzpatrick, 1985)
    "The grass is always greener on the other side" (Fitzpatrick, 1985, p.87) or paragraph number
  • "How much time do you spend studying at home every day? 10 hours OR 1 hour OR 15mins" - evaluate this question from a survey
    Insufficient options lead to inaccurate answers
  • Correct the citation: Doyle implied that the results of the research were inaccurate. (Doyle, 2015)
    Doyle (2015) implied...
  • Fill the gap with a reporting verb: Robinson and Williams (2022) ___________________the claims that 5G technology poses a threat to humans. (disagree with somebody or a theory)
    disputes/rejects/contests/opposes/contradicts/dismisses etc.
  • The data is more expensive to collect
    primary research
    secondary research
  • What referencing style did we use in our research papers?
  • "How important is your free time to you?" - What type of survey question is this? AND, what are some issues with these types of questions?
    open-ended - useful in some instances but should be kept to a minimum as answers can be difficult to quanitfy and answers may be irrelevant
  • Fill the gap with a reporting verb: Harris (2021) ______________ that Bitcoin has no value whatsoever. (says indirectly that something is true)
    suggests/implies/posits/postulates/indicates etc.
  • Is it recommended to use rhetorical questions in an academic research paper?
    No - the idea of a research paper is that any quesitons should be answered in detail. More appropriate in newspapers/magazine articles
  • Why should you use academic sources in your paper?
  • What should you include in the conclusion of a research paper?
    paraphrased aim, restated research question, limitations of research, findings, concluding comment