
In-text Citation

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  • Name 3 things you have to do with a block quotation, that you don't do with short quotations.
    indent the whole quotation, separate it from the text, no quotation marks.
  • What is a summary?
    reduce the most essential points of someone else's work into a shorter form.
  • A more than 40 word quote is called a _________.
    Blcok quotation
  • what is a full citation?
    when you include author's name, year, and p./para. #
  • Where does a period go in a block quotation?
    Before the parenthesis.
  • In a short quotation, there does the period go?
    after the parenthetical citation.
  • What is a Narrative citation?
    when author's last name is mentioned in the text but year and or p./para# are in a parenthesis.
  • What is a quotation?
    a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker.
  • What type of quotation is shown in the image?
    Short quotation
  • True or false: Quotations require a full-citation.
  • True or false: Summaries need a full citation.
  • True or false: Paraphrases don't need a citation.
  • What do short quotations have that block quotations do not?
    Quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quote.
  • What is a parenthetical citation?
    when author's last name, year and p./para. # are in a parenthesis.
  • A less than 40 word quote is called a _________.
    Short quotation
  • What is a paraphrase?
    to restate someone else's ideas in your own language at roughly the same level of detail.