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  • "restrained" means to control. True or false?
  • What is the meaning of "self-esteem"
    how you feel about yourself
  • Is this verb used correctly: It is so cheap. I can't afford to
    No, the correct answer would be: It is so expensive. I can't afford to.
  • If someone spend money that they don't have, should they feel guilty?
    Yes, they should be
  • synonym for: people who are compulsive shoppers and can't stop themselves buying things
  • It is a shopaholic a cautious and disciplined person?
    No, it is a materialist and a compulsive one.
  • What is the meaning of "mood"
    the way you feel at a particular time.
  • Is the adjective "depressed" used correctly? I just bought a brand new car and it is making me feel so depressed.
    No, it should be something that makes you happy
  • which term do we use when we go shopping and buy ourselves things in order to feel happier
    retail therapy
  • what term do we use when people live off credit and spend money they do not actually have by using credit cards and borrowing from the bank
    debt culture
  • What does it mean to live from "hand to mouth"?
    Not having any money
  • A synonym for purchase
    buy, acquire, obtain, procure, or invest in.
  • What is the meaning of: tightening our belts
    spending less money than before
  • which is the antonym for "to save"
    "to spend"
  • What electronic device do you use to pay for things?
    My credit card
  • Can you explain the meaning of "letting loose"
    doing something in an uncontrolled way