
B2-Money, money, money

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  • I'm not paying that! They shouldn't ............young people like that.
    rip off
  • She forgot her credit card When she tried to pay for her meal at the restaurant, she.............. because she didn't have enough cash. (not able to/pay)
    wasn't able to pay
  • In ancient Egypt, cooking oil was taxed. People.................their oil from the Pharaoh. (have to/buy)
    had to buy
  • Thanks for paying me back today. You really .............. me so quickly. (not need to/pay)
    didn't need to pay me
  • Some families have to ................... on as little as $2 a day.
    get by
  • The first cashpoint opened in 1967 and people no longer...................until banks opened to get money out of their accounts. (have to/wait)
    had to wait
  • There's a sale on at the moment, so I think they'll .............. soon.
    sell out
  • He was very upset because he spent more than he could afford. His mother told him he............ all his money. (should/ spend)
    shouldn't have spent
  • Unfortunately Karen often ..................... on things she doesn't really need.
    splashes out
  • 1 She tried to open a bank account, but couldn't because she didn't take any identification. She ............. identification. (should/ take)
    should have taken
  • Don't worry if you don't have enough to pay for everything. I can .............. a bit.
    chip in