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  • This boy waited in line to get a new Ice Cream Sundae being sold at the Ice Cream Truck. When it was his turn, they were all sold out. The boy screamed and kicked a garbage can. What was the Trigger?
  • Can you share 2 Relaxation strategies that you use when you feel angry?
  • At a family BBQ, Jordan comes inside to see his cousin eating his piece of chocolate cake. Jordan walks over to hit his cousin on the head. What was the Trigger?
  • Name 2 things in life that you VALUE (things that are important to you) Name 2 things you can do to live out these values
  • It is really windy out while Baylee is canoeing with her Mom. It is really hard to move and she is struggling to paddle. What could Baylee say to her Mom?
  • When you feel angry, what happens to your body?
  • When you are feeling angry, what is something you do?
  • If your Mom comes into your room and says, "The iPad is all done, it is time to come for dinner please," what is something you could say to her?
  • Stephanie's sister came into her room and unplugged her IPAD while she was playing her favourite Minecraft game. Stephanie screamed at her sister and slammed her bedroom door. What was the Trigger?
  • Henry was playing a game of basketball with his friend Jack. He lost the game. He stomped his feet and threw the basketball across the court. What was the Trigger?
  • What are 2 personal triggers of yours that can make you feel angry?
  • When you are feeling angry, what is an angry thought you might have?