
adverbs of location

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  • Where's the department sotre?
    it's around the corner from the police station
  • where's the bank?
    it's next to the school
  • where's the school?
    it's between the library and the park
  • Where's the hotel?
    it's across from the library
  • Where's the bakery?
    it's between the video store and the barber shop
  • Where's the movie theater?
    it's across from the supermarket
  • where's the post office?
    it's around the corner from the hospital
  • Where's the bus station?
    it's next to the gas station
  • Where's the hospital?
    it's around the corner from the movie theater
  • Where's the clinic?
    it's around the corner form the fire station
  • Where's the restaurant?
    it's beteween the bank and the library
  • Where's the park?
    it's across from the post office
  • Where is the bank?
    it's next to the restaurant