
Unicorn and Horse

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  • What does Horse eat?
    Horse eats hay.
  • Who is this?
    This is Unicorn.
  • Do Horse and Unicorn like each other at the end of the story?
    Yes, they do.
  • What is the name of the story?
    Unicorn (and Horse)
  • What does Unicorn look like?
    Unicorn has a sapphire horn, a silver coat, a rainbow mane and perfect white teeth.
  • Finish the sentence: 'Horse is ...'
  • Who is reading the magazine?
  • What do these two men want to do?
    They want to steal Unicorn and earn money.
  • How does horse save Unicorn?
    Horse chomps the ropes with her big teeth.
  • What can't Turtle do?
    Turtle can't run.
  • Where is the bird?
    In the nest.
  • Finish the sentence: 'Unicorn makes everything...'
  • What does Unicorn make?
  • What does Unicorn eat every day?
  • What game are they playing?
    Ring toss
  • Who loves Unicorn?
  • Where is Unicorn?
    In the truck.
  • How hoes Horse feel?
  • Who does Hourse race with?
    Fox and Bird.