
Finish the Phrase

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  • Violence is barbarous. All the same,...
  • Though men and women try to be equal…
  • Even though the earth is big, ...
  • Despite the efforts of the government, ...
  • Animals act on instinct contrary to…
  • Even if you had everything, ...
  • Despite the improvement in teaching methods, …
  • Instead of seeking celebrity, ...
  • In spite of ecological problems, ...
  • Life is an adventure, but at the same time…
  • No matter how much we look for purpose, ...
  • Human rights exist. Nevertheless, …
  • We must love one another in spite of …
  • Work is important. However…
  • Literature is a priceless art form as opposed to…
  • Children are sensitive whereas…
  • Science has made huge progress but, …
  • No matter how much travel enriches our lives…
  • Fashion is superficial, but still…
  • These days, traveling is very easy. Nonetheless, …
  • Instead of criticizing your neighbor, ...
  • Professional ambition imprisons us while…
  • Love often causes suffering whereas...
  • The universe is vast. On the other hand...
  • Intelligence is useful. However…
  • Although life is good for some, …
  • Sometimes you must act. But…
  • History repeats itself while…
  • Even though the internet exists, ...