
Relationship Ruler

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  • Who should you ask for help when you have a big problem with friends?
    Trusted adult (parent, teacher, social worker)
  • This person is someone who you talk to every once in awhile and you might hangout with after school in a group setting. This person is likely a/an...
  • This person is someone who you've never met before and you would not give or share any personal information with. This person is likely a/an...
  • Your parents bought you a new video game. When you tell your friend, they say, "I'm so jealous. I want to play that game so badly!" How could you ask them to hang out?
    Do you want to come over to my house and play video games later?
  • Tonight is the premiere of a new movie that everyone at lunch said they wanted to see. How could you ask your friends to hang out?
    I'm so excited for this new movie and I really want to go tonight. Do you want to come with? I think it'll be fun and I'll ask my mom if she can drive us.
  • This person is someone who you feel very comfortable with, share personal information, and often hangout after school with. This person is likely a/an...
    Close Friend
  • Margaret was playing games on her phone in class. Her friend Jessica says to her "Excuse me. Can you please turn your volume down on your phone? I get very distracted and I am trying to work." Is that the best solution to the problem?
    Yes, Jessica was direct but polite. It was a small problem she could solve on her own.
  • Doug is walking his dog around the neighborhood, when he recognizes some older kids from school hanging out. He smiles and waves as he walks by. Friend or acquaintance?
  • Name a good quality of a friend.
    Trustworthy, loyal, kind, good listener, caring...
  • This person is someone who you see in the hall, know their name, and say 'hi' to when you see each other. This person is likely a/an...
  • How can you make friends?
    Find someone with similar interests with you; get involved; talk with others
  • A friend walks up to you and laughs at your haircut. What could you say?
    That hurt my feelings.
  • Val has been feeling nervous about soccer team tryouts all day. Christine notices that Val has been distracted all of class and asks her, “Is something bothering you? You can talk to me about it if you need”. Friend or acquaintance?
  • Give an example of a small problem with family.
    Your mom wouldn't let you hang out with your friends; Your mom asked you to do chores but you don't want to
  • Give an example of a medium problem with friends.
    They didn't invite you to a party; They were talking behind your back; They told everyone your secret