
A Bad Movie

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  • Use gloated in a sentence.
  • If you were the author, how would you change the ending?
  • What did the manager shine on Kenny's face?
  • Who did Kevin think was cool?
  • Who is the main character?
  • What is the title of this book?
  • What is a complex?
  • Use hesitated in a sentence.
  • Use sly in a sentence.
  • Is it hard to say no to people we think are cool?
  • What does a manager do?
  • Does Kevin still think Bobby is cool?
  • Use slumped in a sentence.
  • Can you smirk?
  • What is an aisle?
  • I ________ her to do her homework.
  • What would you do if your friends were pressuring you to do something wrong?
  • What is the problem that Kevin faces?