
Sexual harassment and violence vocabulary

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  • What's a "Upstander"?
    An upstander is someone who recognizes when something is wrong and acts to make it right.
  • What's the objetive of the #Metoo Movement?
    The #MeToo movement aims to raise awareness about the effects of sexual violence and remove the stigma attached to coming forward.
  • What does "rape" mean?
    Rape is a type of sexual assault (penetration against someone's will).
  • What does trigger mean?
    A trigger is something, often related to a sensory cue like a sound or smell, that may cause a flashback or an emotional state related to a past trauma
  • Give three examples of sexual harassment.
    Verbal acts like name-calling, requests for sexual favors, sexual comments, jokes, gestures, images and graphics, graffiti, and other written statements or acti
  • "An all-encompassing term that refers to sexual acts perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent. It encompasses sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual abuse" This refers to...
    Sexual violence
  • What's a flashback?
    Flashbacks are a heightened emotional state that transports a person back to an original experience of trauma
  • What does "Bystander" mean?
    Someone who witnesses sexual harassment or violence, but doesn't get involved or chooses not to intervene.
  • What's sexual assault?
    An act in which a person sexually touches another person without that person’s consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act again
  • What does "consent" mean?
    An agreement between participants to engage in mutually desirable activity. Consent to sexual activity is one type of consent