
A2 tenses review

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  • We ... eggs for breakfast every day. (eat)
  • Shhh! Be quiet, the baby ...! (sleep)
    is sleeping
  • Every winter, many birds ... south to warmer climates. (fly)
  • He ... the car right  now. (wash)
    is washing
  • I ... when you ... me the message. (sleep, send)
    was sleeping, sent
  • I ... this series 3 times last year. (watch)
  • Our teaches always ... us homework on Fridays.  :(      (give)
  • Last weekend, I ... my friends and we ... out for lunch. (meet, go)
    met, went
  • If we ... early, can we leave? (finish)
  • I ... broccoli. It ... horrible. (not like, taste)
    don't like / tastes
  • When I grow up, I ... an artist. (become)
    will become / going to be become
  • Yesterday we ... very early. (get up)
    got up
  • Next summer, we ... a barbecue. (buy)
    are going to buy
  • If I see my ex-boss, I ... say hello. (not say)
    won't say
  • Listen! I think the phone ...! (ring)
    is ringing
  • Our team is very good. I think we ... the league next season. (win)
    will win OR going to win
  • Look, the kids ... football. (play)
    are playing
  • Yesterday at 6, I ... dinner when Johnny arrived. (make)
    was making
  • How often ... you ... your grandparents? (see)
    do you see
  • Those bags are very heavy. ... I ... you with them? (help)
    can.. I... help
  • He ... the washing up yet. (not do)
    hasn't done
  • It's the best book I ... ever ...! (read)
    have ever read
  • Jamie ...... to Scotland. (go)
  • What ... your brother ...? (look like)
    does your brother look like
  • While he kids ... TV the phone rang. (watch)
    were watching
  • Look at that car! He ... an accident! (have)
    is going to have OR will have