
April ELD Expectations Review GUYOT

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  • What is this man's name?
    Lee Min Ho
  • What are the expectations for cell phones at school?
    off and away all day
  • When can you go to your locker?
    before school, after school, lunch
  • What is the expectation about turning your chair?
    turn the whole chair (not body) to face the speaker
  • How long do you have between classes?
    three minutes
  • What hallway do you walk down after lunch to go to recess?
    the 300 hallway (by the gym and music)
  • What does "off and away mean" in regards to cell phones?
    Powered off and out of sight.
  • How do you carry a chair in ELD?
    like a puppy, kitten or baby is sleeping on it
  • How do you borrow a pencil in ELD?
    ask politely; write name on board; return at the end of class
  • What should you do if you have a question or something to say?
    think, raise, wait
  • Who is the principal of Oliver Middle School
    Mr. Hubbs
  • What voice level should you use when you enter the classroom and are waiting for things to start?
  • How should you treat others?
    with kindness; with respect; the way you'd like to be treated
  • What do you need to do if you leave the room during class?
    Ask permission. Write your name, destination and times in and out of the room.
  • What is Ms. Guyot's husband's name?
  • What is sportsmanship and why is it important?
    fair play and respectful behavior with teammates and opponents; makes games fun
  • What happens gum wrappers are left on the floor?
    no more gum in room 212
  • What is something that really annoys your ELD teacher?
    appropriate answer
  • Explain what to do when the fire alarm goes off?
    walk outside quietly, find your advisory teacher, face away from the school in a line, etc.
  • Who is our assistant principal?
    Ms. Mitchell
  • What happens if you are using your cell phone during class?
    a teacher takes it and you have to pick it up a the end of the day
  • What supplies are you expected to take to all your classes all day, everyday?
    binder, Chromebook, pencil
  • What is the expectation about ear buds?
    They are not used at school.
  • What's a word you could use instead of swearing?
    appropriate answer