
Obesity discussion

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  • Is obesity a disease or a choice?
  • Why is obesity increasing?
  • How much of a problem is obesity in your country?
  • diet vs exercise
  • In your culture, what is unacceptable at the dinner table?
  • Why don’t parents do enough to stop their children from becoming obese?
  • Do you eat a healthy diet? Do you eat too much or too little of any type of food?
  • Discuss: Obesity is a choice, like smoking. People should be allowed to do what they want.
  • Should schools ban junk food to fight obesity?
  • Skinny vs overweight
  • People say, "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach". What does this mean? Do you think it's true?
  • Do you worry about your weight? What about your peers?
  • _____ is not a synonym of FAT
  • In your culture, do you say anything special before or after eating? To whom?
  • What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘obesity’?
  • Do you think obese people should have special seats in airplanes and pay more money?
  • Do you snack? What is your favorite thing to snack on?
  • Discuss: Teens worry about their weight, especially girls.
  • Which eating tools are best? Chopsticks, knife and fork, or hands? Why?
  • Do you mind eating alone? Or do you usually try to eat with another person?
  • Do you know anyone that is obese? Are they happy?
  • Are you a messy eater? What do you think when a person makes a lot of mess while eating?
  • Discuss: apple vs donut
  • Which is worse, obesity or anorexia?
  • Myth or fact : All fat is bad