
Climate Zones

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  • This type of climate in Spain has very cold winters, cool summers, heavy rainfall all year, and snow in winter.
  • This type of climate has very little precipitation, and temperatures are hot during the day and cold at night.
    dry climate
  • This type of climate has warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters.
    temperate climates
  • This type of climate in Spain has hot summers, cool winters, and rainfall in spring and autumn.
    continental OR continental-Mediterraean
  • TRUE or FALSE: Climate can change over time.
  • This type of climate is found inland, temperatures vary from cold to hot during the year, and there is not much preciptation.
    continental climate
  • This type of climate in Spain is mild and warm all year, little difference between summer and winter, and low rainfall.
  • It is the conditions of the atmosphere over SHORT periods of time.
  • Name AT LEAST two factors that determine climate.
    latitude, altitude, coastal or inland location, relief
  • TRUE or FALSE: The Earth has climate zones because the Earth is tilted on its axis.i
  • This type of climate in Spain has cool summers, mild winters, and a lot of rainfall all year round.
  • This type of climate usually has permanent ice and frozen land called tundra.
    polar climate
  • It measures distance from the equator to a pole.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Countries on the equator have seasons.
  • This type of climate in Spain has hot summers, mild winters, and little rainfall.
  • This type of climate has high temperatures and high precipitation all year round.
    tropical climate
  • It is the conditions of the atmosphere over LONG periods of time.
  • It measures distance from the prime meridian to the antimeridian (180°).