
Super minds 5 unit 6

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  • What was the name of the teacher that the two girls wanted to buy jewellery for?
    Miss Saunders
  • Name three types of jewellery?
  • We use a _______ to fix our hair.
  • Spell this word.
  • Name 3 things you shouldn't do in class
  • What was the name of the boy who the friends met in Istanbul?
  • What was the name of the train station in Istanbul?
  • What is the customer asking?
    Do you mind if I try on this jacket?
  • We drink tea from a _____ ____ ______. Spell the words.
    cup and saucer
  • What is another name for the train/metro?
  • Something you wear if it is very sunny?
  • How many people live in Istanbul according to the story?
    Over 12 million.
  • What is the customer asking about the book?
    Do you mind if I open this book?
  • What is the name of the Mosque in Istanbul?
    The Blue Mosque
  • What is the name of the sea that divides Europe and Asia in Istanbul?
    The Bosphorus Strait
  • The _______ on the sofa is very soft.
  • Something used to kill germs
  • What was the name of the market that the children visited in Istanbul?
    Spice market
  • Turkey's _______ is red with a white moon on it.
  • What are these? Spell the word.
  • How did Phoebe know they were in Istanbul?
    The comb said I <3 Istanbul
  • In what year was Istanbul named European capital of culture?
  • Name three things you should do in class
  • Something you eat food from?
  • What is the customer asking? (ring)
    Could I see that ring over there, please?
  • Name three things you shouldn't do during a meal.
  • How much was the ring that the girls wanted to buy for their teacher?
    £ 3,000