
AEF 4B: 7B Verbs of the Senses

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  • Are you OK? You (sound/sound as if) you have a cold.
    sound as if
  • Have you ever tried frog legs? I've heard they (taste like/taste as if) chicken.
    taste like
  • Your new bag (feels/feels like) real leather. Is it?
    feels like
  • Can you close the window? It (smells/smells as if) someone is having a barbecue.
    smells as if
  • Can you turn the heat on? It (feels/feels like) really cold in here.
  • You're so pale! You (look/look as if) you've seen a ghost.
    look as if
  • What's for dinner? It (smells/smells like) delicious.
  • Let's throw this milk away. It (tastes/tastes like) a little strange.
  • I think John and Megan have arrived. That (sounds/sounds like) their car.
    sounds like
  • You (look/look like) really happy. Does that mean you got the job?