
SAP review

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  • Who is the Mayor of Burgos? 1. Daniel de la Rosa 2. Francisco Javier Lacalle
    1. Daniel de la Rosa
  • How do you say JUZGADOS in English? 1. Court 2. Church
    1. court
  • Is this machine from the present? Yes / no
  • Actions that occurred yesterday, last month or a long time ago: 1. future 2. past
    2. past
  • Wood, wool, cotton and metal are: 1. Human-made 2.Natural
    2. Natural
  • Evergreen trees have big and light leaves. Yes / no
    No, the have dark and small leaves or needles.
  • 96% of all the animal species on Earth are: 1. vertebrates 2. invertebrates
    2. invertebrates
  • What type of sign is this? 1. Prohibited 2. Danger
    2. Danger
  • Where does glass come from? 1. minerals 2. sand
    2. sand
  • What do oceans, lakes, seas, rivers and bodies have in common? 1. water 2. they are big.
    1. water. They all have water.
  • No colour, no taste and no odour are properties of: 1. milk 2. water
    2. water
  • Who works at the Town Hall? 1. councillors 2. The Mayor 3. The Mayor and the councillors (Levantar YES card)
    3. The Mayor and the councillors
  • Animals that have a backbone are: 1. vertebrates 2. invertebrates
    1. vertebrates
  • What organs act like filter devices for our body? 1. Lungs 2. Kidneys
    2. Kidneys.
  • Schools, hospitals, town halls, police station, fire stations and bus stations are: 1. Private buildings 2. Public buildings
    2. Public buildings
  • This is where you go to meet your friends. 1. Town Hall 2. Park
    2. Park
  • What protects our lungs? 1. Ribcage 2. heart
    1. ribcage
  • To watch a basketball game we go to the theatre. Yes / No
    No. Stadium
  • Blocks of flats and businesses are: 1. Private buildings 2. Public buildings
    1. Private buildings
  • You have over 800 muscles in your body. Yes / no
    No, you have over 600 muscles.
  • Plastic comes from plants? Yes / No
    No, it comes from OIL.
  • Which trees shed their leaves? 1. Deciduous 2. evergreen
    1. deciduous
  • When is this machine from? 1. Future 2. Past 3. present (YES card)
    1. future
  • Is this tractor from the past? Yes / No
    No. present
  • Wood comes from trees? Yes / No
  • Plastic, glass and paper are: 1. Human-made 2. Natural
    1. Human-made
  • Anyone over 16 years old can be the mayor and vote. YES NO
    NO. Anyone over 18 years.
  • Actions or events that will happen tomorrow, next month or next year: 1. present 2. future
    2. future
  • The heart is a muscle. Yes / No
  • Opaque means: 1. We can clearly see through an object. 2. We can not see through an object.
    2. We can not see through an opaque object.
  • The TRUNK helps the body to move about and function in the world. Yes / no
    NO, the LIMBS do.
  • We get OXYGEN through the digestive system. Yes / No
    No, we get NUTRIENTS through the digestive system.
  • Can we get material from animals? Yes / No
    Yes. (example: wool)