
Giulia VS Igor

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  • Pronounce the following words: 1 - PSYCHOLOGY. 2 - BOMB. 3 - VEGETABLE. Extra: Massachu... Machassu... Masassuche... Nevermind...
  • Russia is ___ country in the world.
  • What is a synonym for "MAYBE"?
  • Choose one person to answer: What did you do last night? (3 things)
  • If you ___ water in the fridge, it ___.
  • (Tag question) Giulia teaches English, ___?
  • What are your plans for the weekend? (Each team member names one thing)
  • What's the difference between "BORROW" and "LEND"?
  • What's the verb we use to say that an airplane started its flight?
  • Choose one person to answer: How long have you been studying English?
  • Name 3 irregular verbs and their past forms
  • Tell us a joke in English. (Preferably a good one, plz)
  • Correct this sentence: Igor have bought a new car last week.
  • Name 1 ability that you have. (Each member names one. Sentences must be different)
  • How do you say "24/7" and what does it mean?
  • Name 5 clothing items.
  • I ___ to an amusement park yesterday. I ___ never ___ to one before.
  • What is the meaning of the idiom "Cut to the chase"?
  • Name 4 words similar to "BAD"
  • Name 4 words similar to "GOOD"