
6th grade: reproduction exam review

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  • Eggs and sperm contain ____ of the genetic information that is needed to create a new human.
  • After the zygote begins to divide quickly, it forms a(n) ________.
  • What is the function of the umbilical cord?
    Connect the placenta to the baby OR transport oxygen and nutrients from mother to baby
  • What is the function of the amniotic fluid?
    protect the fetus
  • _________ is the union of a female sex cell with a male sex cell.
  • What happens during dilation?
    The area of the uterus connected to the vagina expands and contractions begin
  • Explain the FIFTH stage of fertilization.
    The embryo implants in the wall of the uterus and continues to grow and develop.
  • Describe TWO things that happen during the first trimester
    the brain begins to develop, the heart beats and the organs begin to function (except the lungs), small buds appear (will become arms and legs)
  • The embryo is called ________ at the end of the first trimester.
    a foetus
  • In the second stage of fertilization ______ travels to the Fallopian tube.
  • In which stage of fertilization is the zygote formed?
    The third (or when a sperm penetrates and fertilizes the egg)
  • In which organ of the female reproductive system does fertilization take place?
    the Fallopian tubes
  • What are the three stages of labour?
    Dilation, expulsion, and delivery
  • _________ helps to push the baby from the uterus into the vagina.
    (rhythmic) contractions
  • Describe TWO things that happen during the third trimester.
    The foetus grows and gains weight, the organs mature, premature babies may be born
  • What does the amniotic sac contain?
    Amniotic fluid
  • The mother pushes the _________ out of her body during delivery.
  • What is the function of the placenta?
    It stores oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood for the baby
  • Explain the FIRST step of fertilization.
    One ovary releases an egg and it moves along the Fallopian tube.
  • What happens during expulsion? (describe TWO things)
    The mother pushes the baby out of her body, the umbilical cord is cut, and the baby breathes in air and cries
  • Describe TWO things that happen during the second trimester.
    The mother begins to feel the baby moving, the foetus can hear, suck its thumbs and fingers, and open/close its eyes