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  • The police station is ________ the news-stand.
  • A: Where is a bakery? B: Go ______________. Turn ________ into Main street. Go straight __________.The bakery is on your ________.
    Go straight ahead. Turn right into Main street. Go straight ahead. The bakery is on your left.
  • The news-stand is _______ to the hospital.
    next to
  • Go straight ahead. Turn right into Central street. The convenience store is on your _______.
  • The hospital is ______ Main Street and Second Street.
    at the corner of
  • Go straight ahead. Turn right into Main street. Go straight ahead.___________ is on your left. It is opposite news-stand.
    Police station
  • The fire station is opposite __________.
    the health and beauty store
  • The bakery is _________ of Main street and Second street.
    at the corner of
  • A: Where is health and beauty store? B: Go _______________. Turn ________ into Central Street. Go _________. The health and beauty store is on your ________________.
    Go straight ahead. Turn right into Central street. Go straight ahead. The health and beauty store is on your left.
  • The fire station is ____________the health and beauty store
  • The school is _______________ the clinic.
  • Go straight ahead. Turn left into main street.The post office is on your _______.
  • The convenience store is _________the sports centre.
  • The police station is _____________ the clinic
    next to
  • The convenience store is on _________ street.
  • The fire station is _________________ of Central street.
    at the end