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  • Did you play football yesterday? What did you play? I PLAYED....
  • Did he GET 8 hours of sleep last night?
    No, he didn't! He didn't get ENOUGH SLEEP.
  • Did he EAT pizza for dinner last night?
    Yes, he DID!
  • Did you get 8 hours of sleep last night? How many hours did you get?
    ......... I GOT ___ HOURS OF SLEEP.
  • Did they drink Coca-Cola yesterday?
    No, they didn't! They DRANK lemonade!
  • Did you ride your bike yesterday?
  • What did you EAT for lunch?
    I ATE.............
  • Did they play videogames on Saturday?
    No, they didn't! They PLAYED tennis.
  • Did she eat a healthy breakfast in the morning?
    No, she DIDN'T! She ATE cake and sweets.
  • Did she drink water at lunchtime?
    Yes, she did!
  • Did you eat an UNHEALTHY breakfast?
  • Did he ride a bike?
    No, he didn't. He RODE A HORSE.